COVID is spreading through all groups in Lane County

Local links

  • Note from the City of Eugene on COVID spread and tracing: “The story the data tells us is that the growth in cases we are experiencing is not isolated to one group. Therefore, the solution cannot be isolated to just one group, and shaming any group is not helpful. People who feel like they will get in trouble are less likely to cooperate with contact tracers, or in some cases to get tested and quarantine at all. The best thing each of us can do is be vigilant in focusing on our own actions and talk kindly to our family and friends about correct behavior.”

  • This week we saw workplace outbreaks at Kingsford Charcoal in Springfield, Seneca Sawmill in Noti, and Oregon Beverage Recycling Cooperative’s Eugene processing plant.

  • Applications for rent assistance open up October 16 for Lane County residents.

  • 4J School Board approved $540,000 to be spent for new ventilators that provide air filtering and purifying meant for when the schools reopen

  • School Meal Delivery Available for 4J, Springfield, McKenzie School Districts Starting Monday

  • The Lane County Hunger strike ended after 11.5 weeks, while brave, the strikers were not able to get there demands met

  • From United Academics of the University of Oregon: “The Oregon Equal Pay Act isn’t working at UO

The Week ahead

Note: I am still following the developments with the UO protestors. I will provide an update when there is an announcement of time for a meeting between them and Pres. Schill.

Check out for an updated calendar of events

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