Councilors, Police Chief want cops back in schools

The Eugene City Council held another Community Safety Initiative work session last Monday with Police Chief Chris Skinner, CSI Project Manager Kevin Alltucker, Assistant City Manager Kristie Hammitt, and Library, Recreation and Cultural Services Director Renee Grube. Absent from the discussions was any representative that works for the other sectors the CSI funds besides police. One resident brought up during the public comment period how CAHOOTS is not getting a fair time when all questions about it are funneled through the police chief.

The City Council broached new topic for these work session, bought old topic for the city on whole: cops in schools. Councilor Evans during his comment period asked the Chief how the city can make stronger relationships between the police and schools. Skinner suggested it was a mistake for 4J to stop allowing cops to be posted in schools. Councilor Clark also said that the 4J made a mistake to remove so called School Resource Officers from schools.

The Eugene 4J School District Board responded to large community protests and public comment submission by by voting to remove SROs from schools at the end of last year.

Local links

  • Eugene’s 4J School Board unanimously approved a motion on Wednesday to increase compensation for transportation employees.

  • GTFF speaks out against UO’s back to school protocols

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  • Oregon Nurses Association says that staffing shortages at hospitals has become a crisis.

  • Workers at Kaiser Permanente represented represented by Oregon Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals overwhelmingly voted in support of a strike. While there are Kaiser workers in Eugene, an OFNHP spokesperson tells Solidarity News that it is a very small amount of them that are a part of the unit and that most of the workers that could go on strike are concentrated in the Portland, Vancouver, and Salem areas.

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