Among the documents that we, Solidarity News and the Student Insurgent received in our cache of public records from our requests was the Demonstration Team Charter. The document outlines the purpose of the Demonstration Team, in their own words, as well as lists 51 people serving as co-chairs, core team members, or secondary team members. The team is made up of administrators from various departments across campus. This document was last updated July 1 of last year.
You can read the full document below.
Demonstration-Team_Charter_2022-2Reading the initialisms : ASUO = Associated Students of the University of Oregon, CPFM = Campus Planning and Facilities Management, DEI = Division of Equity and Inclusion, EHS = Environmental Health and Safety, EMU = Erb Memorial Union, GC = General Counsel, GCR = Government and Community Relations, UOPD = UO Police Department, SRS = Safety and Risk Services, SSEM = Student Services and Enrollment Management. CGR is a typo for GCR.
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