On April 15, Tax Day in the US, dozens of Eugene community members blocked a stretch of the I-5 highway to protest the country’s funding of the Israeli-led gencoide in Gaza in solidarity with 82 other cities. The action resulted in 52 arrests, many later being offered and taking plea deals for promised diversion. Now five months later, Lane County is preparing to take 19 people to trial over their involvement in the blockade. On Monday, a bit over a week before trials start, defendants along with supporters gathered at the Free Speech Plaza in Eugene to call on DA Chris Parosa to drop all charges.
Speakers at the rally say that the pre-trial diversion that was given to many, which involved pleading gulty and serving 6 to 12 months probation, was not offered fairly. Among those not offered it was a Palestinian teenager who received similar charges to those that did get diversion.
“We know that it is always right to protest during genocide,” exclaimed Penny in opening remarks of the rally.
Over 60 people showed up on Monday evening to stand up for those facing trial, speak out against Israel’s actions in Palestine and Lebanon, and condemn America’s support for Israel’s Actions. Organizers held space for speeches from those arrested and poetry in support. Speakers stood next to a large banner that read “Drop the charges” and spray-painted on it said “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”. Each person that stood up there making a case against the local charges and an impassioned case for the larger international cause.
“When testimonies at city council meetings, thousands of phone calls and letters to elected officials, and months of marching through the streets of Eugene failed to move politicians to conscientious action, then we must do more. This is why protesters stepped onto the I-5,” Madison, another A15 defendant, said about the action on April 15.
Individuals at the rally also spoke about Israel’s escalation in Lebanon, where bombings by the country this week killed a reported 569 people.
Trials for A15 defendants will begin on Oct 3 at the Lane County Courthouse, with jury being seated at 9:30 AM and the trial expected to start within the hour.

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