BCTGM Local 114 members ratify new contract with Franz, ending strike

After 20 days on strike Franz workers voted 113-54 to ratify a new contract. The contract, which lasts three years, contains what the unions describe as “an historic wage increase”. While a majority of members voted for the contract, many are frustrated with the deal. Even among those that voted for it, a good chunk are not content with it but viewed it as necessary to approve it for their own financial stability.

“A lot of our membership expressing that they were going to be running out of money soon, made the decision to push for a contract that we could vote on a high priority on Tuesday to preserve the integrity of our union walking back in that door, and to keep the number of scabs that cross the line as low as possible, so we can live to fight another day,” William Paget, a union shop steward told KLCC.

Workers were able to make gains on wages and receive retroactive pay but were not able to win more days off, which had been one of their priorities. Many in the union are taking this as a learning moment. While tensions are high, those frustrated are putting their energy into organizing the union into a stronger, more militant union and are already talking about how they can win a better contract in three years.

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