NAC: Against punishment part 3, another world is possible

NAC: Against punishment part 3, another world is possible

April 10, 2021

We are thrilled to share with you an invitation to Against Punishment, a training resource created by Project Nia and Interrupting Criminalization. This abolitionist curriculum is anchored in the principle that "punishment actually undermines safety." The third of a four-part series, "Another World Is Possible, Abolition through Storytelling" invites participants to reflect on a world without policing and prisons through storytelling both telling your story and hearing others. Please have a notebook and pen ready.

**This unit includes a required reading that we will send you beforehand**

It will last 2 hours with a break in the middle.
We hope that you will share this invitation widely, and join us on Saturday, April 10th, 2021, 10am PST, to explore these ideas together.

**This series will not be recorded.**

The last unit will be May 8th "Surviving Harm/Violence & What Would Justice Look Like?"

This series is presented online by Lane County Mutual Aid and Neighborhood Anarchist Collective.

CW: This unit includes discussions of severe violence (murder) and harm.

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