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February 9, 2022

Black Thistle Street Aid: Clinic

Black Thistle Street Aid: Clinic

February 9, 2022

As larger sites like 13th and WJ are being/have been dismantled, it is becoming harder to keep in touch with the many people we support who are being dispersed.
We'll be continuing to offer clinic the second and fourth Wednesday of each month so folks have a set place to find us to receive care & roving outreach the alternate weeks (and outreach in between as needed!)

Washington Jefferson Park
150 Jefferson Street Eugene
Eugene, OR 97402
4J/EEA negotiation session

4J/EEA negotiation session

February 9, 2022

Eugene School District 4J and its teachers' union, the Eugene Education Association, have scheduled a series of bargaining sessions as part of negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement. The current contract expired on June 30, 2021.

Joint meetings of the two teams are open to the public and the media, unless otherwise announced. Caucus meetings of individual teams are closed to the public and media.

The session will be held in person in the auditorium and broadcast live on Zoom. 4J employees may view the session in person or online. Members of the public may view the session online. The link to observe the meeting online is Passcode: 602264
Dates for bargaining sessions are set in advance and are subject to cancellation or modification.

For more information:

4J District Office
200 N. Monroe St.
Eugene, OR 97402