
» Submit Event

October 25, 2021

City of Eugene: Council work session and meeting of the Eugene Urban Renewal Agency

City of Eugene: Council work session and meeting of the Eugene Urban Renewal Agency

October 25, 2021


1. To watch the meeting live:

https://www.eugene-or .gov/3360/Webcasts-and-Meeting-Materials or

Comcast Local Channel 21

2. To listen to the meeting from your phone:

United States: 1-971-247-1195 or 877-853-5257 (Toll Free)

Webinar ID: 869 2592 2572

Passcode: council9


1. URA - Steam Plant Redevelopment Update

2. Human Rights Commission Work Plan FY 2022

City of Springfield: Council work session

City of Springfield: Council work session

October 25, 2021

The Springfield City Council will meet on 10/25/2021.
The ful l agenda packet and instructions for joining the meeting virtually, along with additional information can be found at ity/city-council-meetings/ the Thursday before the meeting.

Springfield Economic Development Agency meeting

Springfield Economic Development Agency meeting

October 25, 2021

The Springfield Economic Development Agency (SEDA) will meet on 10/25/2021.
The full agenda packet is posted at the Thursday before the meeting.

City of Eugene: Council meeting and meeting of the Eugene Urban Renewal Agency

City of Eugene: Council meeting and meeting of the Eugene Urban Renewal Agency

October 25, 2021



1. To join/watch the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone: 732384230

Passcode: council9

2. To join/listen to th e meeting from your phone:

United States: 1-971-247-1195 or 877-853-5 257 (Toll Free)

Webinar ID: 817 3238 4230

Ag enda:

1. Committee Reports and Items of Interest

2. C onsent Calendar 1

A. Approval of City Council Minutes

B. Approv al of Tentative Agenda

3. Public Forum

4. URA Action: 942 Olive Purchase and Sale Agreement