Category: General Little Black Cart: Black Blossoms At The End Of The World book discussion

Little Black Cart: Black Blossoms At The End Of The World book discussion

May 25, 2022

Former editor and contributor at Green Anarchy, Invecchiare Selvatico, has returned from seclusion in his mountain fortress, deep in the heart of the wild Klamath
basin, to deliver revelations from the other side with a talk on his new book 'Black Blossoms at the End of the World', a compilation of essays,
fragments, scribbles, letters, rants, and ramblins! Black Blossoms at the End of the World Invecchaire and Rivkah will present critiques of: technology, Primitivism. hope, ideology and much, much more!

Sam Bond’s Garage
407 Blair Blvd
Eugene, OR 97402

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