EUG HAND: Sept mass meeting

EUG HAND: Sept mass meeting

All day
September 5, 2022

Eugene Housing and Neighborhood Defense is inviting you, your neighbors, co-workers, and fellow organizers to our next Mass Meeting!

These meetings occur every first Monday of the month, currently at Monroe Park from 6:30-8:30pm. We will do a brief overview of the structure of Eugene HAND and our current projects, but more importantly we will be listening to *your* current struggles, applying class analysis, and coming up with ways we can organize against exploitation together.

We will provide some dinner-time snacks, you are welcome to bring food to share if you can, and we suggest to bring a chair or blanket to sit on. Monroe Park is located at W 10th Ave and Monroe St in Eugene.

Monroe City Park
10th and Monroe
Eugene, OR 97402

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