Category: General NAC: Workshop creation 101

NAC: Workshop creation 101

March 25, 2023

Interested in sharing your skills or knowledge? We are doing a workshop on how to create a workshop so that you can more easily! It will cover principles of creating a workshop, the role of a trainer/facilitator, how to keep a workshop engaging, how to write content, how to appeal to different learning styles, public speaking tips, and more! And throughout you’ll be working on developing a workshop on a topic you want, so you’ll leave with a solid start of a workshop you can give.
When: Sat, March 25th 1pm-3pm
Where: Growers Market (454 Willamette. Door between Morning Glory and Black Wolf)
If you’re interested in attending please fill out this quick sign up form: (You’re still welcome to come if you don’t fill out the form, but this will help us to know how many people to prepare for.)

Sign Up!
Hope to see you there!

Growers Market
454 Willamette St.
Eugene, OR 97401

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