UO: Thermal heating study community forum

UO: Thermal heating study community forum

April 25, 2023

Co-hosted by the Associated Students of the University of Oregon (ASUO), the Thermal Systems Task Force, the Office of Finance & Administration, and the Office of Sustainability.

No registration required. Food and beverages provided.

The UO campus community is encouraged to participate. UO representatives will share the goals of the study and the options for transforming the university’s heating system in Eugene to achieve sustainability goals. The forums provide an opportunity for the campus community to ask questions, discuss concerns, and provide feedback.
Provide Feedback to the Task Force

Information, input, and feedback collected from the campus community will be provided to the Task Force to be considered as they reach their final determination and recommend a course of action to the president.

EMU Redwood Auditorium
1395 University St
Eugene, OR 97403

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