Category: General 350EUG: Climate Town Hall #3 - Carbon Reduction, Consumption, & Earth Overshoot

350EUG: Climate Town Hall #3 - Carbon Reduction, Consumption, & Earth Overshoot

July 26, 2019

Don’t miss the exceptional line-up of speakers and panelists, who can show us where our emissions are coming from and some accessible & affordable ways to reduce them in line with what the earth can support.

Keynote: Babe O'Sullivan, Oregon DEQ

Expert panel: BRING, Better Housing Together, Sustainable Eating and Sharing Economy

Sponsored by: Temple Beth Israel, CALC, NAACP, 350 Eugene, Eugene Community Climate Coalition, Beyond Toxics,

Come meet your peeps and join the Eugene Carbon Free Challenge! You could be a Team Captain and win prizes!

We’re joining dozens of cities & counties across the U.S. in this new online platform for some serious (and friendly) competition this summer. Come for the fun, stay to decarbonize Eugene!

More info here

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