City of Eugene: City council meeting

City of Eugene: City council meeting

April 26, 2021

1. To watch the meet ing live:
Visit our Public Webc asts and Meeting Materials web page or Comcast Local Channe l 21

2. To join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphon e:
Passcode: council9

3. To listen to the meeting from your phone:

  • 971-247-1195
  • 833-548-02 82 (Toll Free)
  • Webinar ID: 971 3147 5009

1. Committee Reports and Items of Interest
2. Consent Calend ar
A. Approval of City Council Minutes
B. Approval of Tentative Worki ng Agenda
C. Approval of Eugene-Springfield 2021 One-Year Action Plan fo r Affordable Housing and Community Development
D. Approval of Substantia l Amendment to the Eugene-Springfield 2020 Action Plan CDBG-CV3 Fund Alloca tion
3. Public Forum
4. Public Hearing and Possible Action: An Ordina nce Allowing for the Temporary Establishment of “Safe Parking” and “Safe Te nt” sites that are Larger than Allowed Under Section 4.816 of the Eugene Co de, 1971; Declaring an Emergency, Providing for an Immediate Effective D ate; and Providing a Sunset Date
5. Action: A Resolution Amending “Pict ure. Plan. Play. A Vision and Implementation Plan for Eugene’s Parks and Re creation System” To Re-designate Striker Field Park a Community Park

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