Category: General HCAO: Rally to celebrate state-based universal health care act introduction

HCAO: Rally to celebrate state-based universal health care act introduction

June 1, 2021

Help us celebrate SBUHCA – let states do single-payer healthcare!

Local single-payer health care advocates will celebrate, in a COVID-safe manner, the introduction in Congress of the State-Based Universal Health Care Act (SBUHCA) on June 1. Please join us! Wear masks, stay socially distanced, and learn why this is an important step towards the sort of health care system we need.

Bring signs to support equitable and affordable universal health care –

  • Improved Medicare for All!
  • HOPE – Health Over Profit for Everyone
  • State-Based Universal Health Care Act – let states lead the way!
  • Healthcare Justice!
  • Health Care is a Human Right!

When: 5 pm on Tuesday, June 1. See Facebook event page here

Where: Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza (799 Oak St, Eugene)

Hosted by: Lane County chapter of Health Care for All Oregon and HCAO-Action

Speakers will include::

  • Sen. James Manning, legislative leader of the Joint Task Force On Universal Health Care (JTFUHC), state senator from SD 7
  • Rep. Marty Wilde, member of the JTFUHC, state representative from HD 11
  • Staffer from Rep. Peter DeFazio’s office – DeFazio is an original cosponsor of SBUHCA (as are Oregon Reps. Blumenauer & Bonamici)
  • Monica Bielski Boris (AFSCME local 1724)
  • Speaker representing Eugene-Springfield Solidarity Network
  • Speaker representing Eugene Democratic Socialists of America
Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza
799 Oak St, Eugene
Eugene, OR 97401

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