Housing Not Handcuffs: Action zap

Housing Not Handcuffs: Action zap

April 26, 2021


WHAT: Zoom Action Zap to pressure the City of Eugene to reallocate Community Safety Initiative (CSI) budget funds from policing to housing, and to reject the theft of public resources for private benefit during a housing crisis!

WHEN: Monday, April 26th, 11am-12pm

WHERE: Register here: tinyurl.com/HousingZap (Access: phone and computer to make calls and send emails)

WHY: To create a world where the police can no longer murder and harm people, we must take collective action to divest from policing, and invest in institutions that create true safety -- like housing for those who need it.

Amidst a year of uprisings against police violence, the people of Eugene have urged the City to reallocate extra funds from the CSI budget away from police and towards housing. The City will finalize a decision on the CSI budget and decide whether or not they will honor the overwhelming community requests to reallocate funds from policing to housing in early May. Further, the City of Eugene continues to move forward on plans to privatize public land and buildings at 1059 Willamette and the Steam Plant, along with tax breaks and cash transfers to a few wealthy white developers.

Join Action Zap to make calls and send emails to city officials, and prepare for public comments to tell the City of Eugene to reject the 1059 Willamette and the Steam Plant proposals, and to reallocate CSI funds from policing to housing.

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