NAC: Radical thought reading group

NAC: Radical thought reading group

February 25, 2021

This ten-week reading group will explore some key texts in radical thought, including texts by Marx, the early anarchists, feminist theorists, and scholars of contemporary radical movements. The reading schedule for the group mirrors the syllabus for PS 433 Marx and Radical Thought at the University of Oregon. Because PS 433 has a limited class size – and UO tuition is prohibitively expensive – I wanted to create a more informal space for people to engage with this material outside of university limitations. All the readings will be available for download as PDFs via this Google drive link.

Feel free to show up every week or only the weeks that interest you. That being said, I do encourage you to come to the first week’s meeting so that we can get a feel for what people want to get out of the group. Feel free to email me with any questions!

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