NAC: Solidarity share fair

NAC: Solidarity share fair

December 15, 2020

The Solidarity Share Fair: A Really Free Market is going MOBILE!!!
WHEN: the last Tuesday of every month!
WHERE: The greater Eugene and Springfield area
WHY: Because now, more than ever, capitalism is failing us. Because the needs of our most vulnerable community members are being ignored. Because the only way we get out of this mess we’re all in is by coming together as a community to MAKE SURE everyone’s needs are met.
In response to the need for social distancing, and to do our part in protecting our community from the spread of COVID-19, the Solidarity Share Fair: A Really Free Market will be going mobile and distributing care packages to community members expressing need. Our care packages will include a small meal, snacks, travel-size toiletries/self-care products, basic first aid supplies, and socks!
If you have items (small enough to be carried in a grocery bag) that you would like to donate to our care packages, you can contact us here:
***If you have items to donate, but are unable to leave your home, please let us know!
It is super important to share our Gofundme in times like this!
These funds are used directly for the mobile Share fair!
Thanks so much for all of your help and appreciation for our little group, we really love helping our community, and it’s great to know we are loved in return! ❤
In Solidarity,
The Neighborhood Anarchists Collective

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