Category: General Stand Up Against White Nationalism

Stand Up Against White Nationalism

August 7, 2019

Local leaders and community members will speak out against hatred and violence and for immigrant rights during a media conference and rally at noon on Wednesday, August 7th on the steps of the Springfield Public Library, 225 5th St. in Springfield.

Springfield Alliance for Equity and Respect (SAfER) is organizing the event because, this time, we must go beyond mourning. We also must go beyond the important step of passing legislation to curb gun violence. We must name what is happening in this country. It is time to stand up against white nationalism and white terrorism, and to connect the dots to government policies rooted in dehumanizing whole groups of people.

SAfER is a program of Community Alliance of Lane County (CALC). Led by residents of Springfield, SAfER’s purpose is to promote human rights, respond when abuses of human dignity occur, and urge public institutions to address social justice concerns. SAfER is joined in the Standing Against White Nationalism event by Centro Latino Americano, and Beyond Toxics. Speakers will include Joe Berney, Lane County Commissioner, other local leaders, and grassroots members of the community.

Community alliance for Lane County
City wide mecha
Beyond toxic
ACLU People Power

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