Weekly WildChat: Wildfire Science and Messaging

Weekly WildChat: Wildfire Science and Messaging

May 12, 2020

During the COVID-19 pandemic and this time of social distancing, Cascadia Wildlands is still committed to connecting with our community. While we can’t meet in person, connect with us online for weekly WildChats with Cascadia staff, volunteers and allies! 

This May, join the Cascadia team every week for campaign deep dives, skill-building workshops and panels featuring experts and stakeholders in our conservation campaigns.

May 12th: Wildfire Science and Messaging

Our May 12th WildChat will be a deep dive into the ecological, political, social and even economic aspects of wildfire in the Pacific Northwest. We’ll discuss the ecology of Cascadia’s fire-adapted forests, and discuss the nuances of wildfire with a discussion of common misconceptions and misunderstandings used to undermine forest health. We will discuss strategic messaging to defuse timber-industry propaganda about fire, while uplifting content about its regenerative effects on our forests and communities

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