Gov. Brown nominated two new people to the UO Board of Trustees to fill spots of two members that are stepping down at the end of June. Jenny Ulum, who serves as the senior director of communications for King Estate Winery, has been chosen to take over for Chuck Lillis’ at-large seat. […]
Continue readingUO gives Pres. Schill new 5-year contract
The University of Oregon Board of Trustees approved a new five-year contract for President Michael Schill that includes a retroactive raise to 2022. The UO will now pay a base salary of $780K for the year of 2022, a 5.7% bump from the last year of the previous contract. In […]
Continue readingHundreds rally in Eugene in support of abortion access
Over 600 community members showed up at the Eugene Federal Courthouse on Thursday to rally and march for reproductive justice in light of the leaked Supreme Court draft decision that shows the body intends to overturn Roe v. Wade. The crowd was somber in light of the draft opinion, initially […]
Continue readingWorkers at four more Starbucks shops in Eugene vote to join Workers United
Workers at four more Starbucks shops in Eugene joined Starbucks Workers United on Thursday. Five Eugene shops held votes Thursday afternoon: 7th & Washington, Delta & Green Acres, EMU, Franklin & Villard, and Oakway Mall. With the workers at Oakway location voting down the union in a 7-4 vote. The […]
Continue reading29th & Willamette Starbucks workers win union vote unanimously, look forward to bargaining
In a unanimous vote, workers at the 29th & Willamette Starbucks store officially won a union Wednesday afternoon. There were 17 yes votes, zero no votes, and no contested ballots. The bargaining unit contains 28 people in total for the new union. Workers and supporters gathered at the GTFF office […]
Continue readingStudents, community members demand electrification of UO, greater Eugene
Wednesday afternoon students and community members rallied in front of the EMU to demand the University of Oregon move off fracked gas and electrify its infrastructure. They also continued the demand to call on the city to ban the use of gas in newly constructed buildings and transition to the […]
Continue readingUO Student Workers host solidarity rally for Starbucks Workers
On a rainy Wednesday afternoon, around 40 people showed up for a Starbucks workers solidarity rally hosted by UO Student Workers. Several workers from the EMU Starbucks spoke along with reps from SEIU 503, GTFF, and United Academics. UO Student Workers also shared testimony they collected from student workers that […]
Continue readingOregon to lift mask mandate Saturday: what local public institutions are doing
Oregon mask mandate lifting Saturday This Saturday Oregon will lift its indoor mask requirement. Originally scheduled to change on March 19, Gov. Brown announced in conjunction with the governors of California and Washington Washington that their state’s indoor mask requirements will expire 11:59 PM on March 11. The State of […]
Continue reading4J Educators reach tentative agreement with school district
After over six hours of bargaining Thursday night , 4J educators, who are a part of the Eugene Education Association (EEA), reached a tentative with the Eugene School District around midnight. The workers have been bargaining for this contract in total for around two years and have gone the whole […]
Continue readingWorkers at three more Starbucks stores in Eugene file for union elections
Starbucks Workers United announced that workers at three more Starbucks stores have filed for union elections in Eugene. Workers at 7th and Washington, 65 Oakway Center, and Franklin & Villard , join the workers at 29th & Willamette who filed on January 6. Across the country, workers at 13 other shops filed for union elections today. In letters […]
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