City of Eugene moves forward on 1059 Willamette, County moves to Lower Risk permanently

City Council votes to begin negotiations on 1059 Willamette

Eugene City Council voted to move forward on negotiations with the eChase Miksis and Edlen & Company team on the 1059 Willamette housing. The vote was 7-1 with Councilor Semple opposing and Councilor Evans Absent. City Staff is set to give a report back on negotiations in the fall and if the deal points are approved the developers will begin applying for MUPTE.

Lane County moves permanently to low risk

After 65% of residents ages 16 and up received at least their first dose of the COVID vaccine Gov. Brown moved Lane County down to Lower Risk level permanently. Under Lower Risk level restaurants, entertainment, and recreation establishments can allow up to 50% capacity.

The State of Oregon also made progress towards 70% of Oregonians 18+ receiving at least their first dose. As of this writing the Oregonian is projecting that the state will hit that mark June 30.

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